A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any web page. Its usefulness is that the web is able to remember your visit when you return to browse that page. Cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, personalization of content, usage statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc.. The purpose of the cookie is to adapt the content of the web to your profile and needs, without cookies the services offered by any page would be significantly diminished. For more information on what cookies are, what they store, how to delete them, disable them, etc., please go to this link.

Cookies used on this website
Following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency we proceed to detail the use of cookies that makes this website in order to inform you as accurately as possible.

This website uses the following cookies:
Session cookies, to ensure that users who write comments on the blog are human and not automated applications. This is to combat spam.
This website uses the following third-party cookies:

Cookies used on this website
Following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency we proceed to detail the use of cookies that makes this website in order to inform you as accurately as possible.

This website uses the following cookies:
Session cookies, to ensure that users who write comments on the blog are human and not automated applications. This is to combat spam.
This website uses the following third-party cookies:

Google Analytics: stores cookies in order to compile statistics on the traffic and volume of visits to this website. By using this website you are consenting to the processing of information about you by Google. Therefore, the exercise of any rights in this regard should do so by communicating directly with Google.
Social networks: Each social network uses its own cookies so that you can click on buttons such as Like or Share.
Deactivation or deletion of cookies
At any time you may exercise your right to deactivate or delete cookies from this website. These actions are performed differently depending on the browser you are using. Here is a quick guide for the most popular browsers.

Additional notes

  • Ni esta web ni sus representantes legales se hacen responsables ni del contenido ni de la veracidad de las políticas de privacidad que puedan tener los terceros mencionados en esta política de cookies.
  • Los navegadores web son las herramientas encargadas de almacenar las cookies y desde este lugar debe efectuar su derecho a eliminación o desactivación de las mismas. Ni esta web ni sus representantes legales pueden garantizar la correcta o incorrecta manipulación de las cookies por parte de los mencionados navegadores.
  • En algunos casos es necesario instalar cookies para que el navegador no olvide su decisión de no aceptación de las mismas.
  • En el caso de las cookies de Google Analytics, esta empresa almacena las cookies en servidores ubicados en Estados Unidos y se compromete a no compartirla con terceros, excepto en los casos en los que sea necesario para el funcionamiento del sistema o cuando la ley obligue a tal efecto. Según Google no guarda su dirección IP. Google Inc. es una compañía adherida al Acuerdo de Puerto Seguro que garantiza que todos los datos transferidos serán tratados con un nivel de protección acorde a la normativa europea. Puede consultar información detallada a este respecto en este enlace. Si desea información sobre el uso que Google da a las cookies le adjuntamos este otro enlace.
  • Para cualquier duda o consulta acerca de esta política de cookies no dude en comunicarse con nosotros a través de la sección de contacto.

Cookie Advisor is a WordPress plugin created by Carlos Doral (


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